Saturday, October 6, 2018

Never stop trying.

     You would think the second time around I would just give in but that is not how God designed me. So technically it's not my fault 😛.  As you can tell humor is my best friend. I want to share my goals for this year  just remember nothing is impossible.
1) Pray daily and grow closer with God
2) find natural treatments that are non toxic to the body.
3) de stress and breath daily
4) lower my Ig levels or stop the increase
5) find other doctors natural and pick their brain for knowledge
6) stay active .. yoga and walk in the park
7) don’t stop living
8) get in the best shape of my life so I can have another baby.
9) don’t stop planning the future
10) never give up fighting .
I can honestly say with all my heart that I am only strong because  I have the lord on my side. I wouldn't have be able to raise my daughter, fight cancer (not the conventional way ), help my family all with a smile and a positive attitude. Writing down goals helps me to see clearly and not let life get the best of me.

I want to let everyone out there who is going through a rough time in their lives whether its cancer, drug abuse, marriage or lost in the worlds sins just remember you are loved. You have a purpose in life but in order to get there sometimes we have to face the storms in our lives to better understand and cherish what God has in store for us. What are your goals ? How do you fight back ?

Thank you for being part of my Journey, God Bless. Yvette Norris

Wednesday, October 3, 2018

3rd visit in atlanta.

     October 1 was My third appointment with my new doctor. Blood work is still rising and now we are waiting on the insurance to approve a pet scan. That I am curious to do which will help to see where the cancer is active? Like always I cannot do nothing and sit around for doctors to tell me about my future.
     I have been doing different dieting from vegan to vegetarian. Vegan is a bit of a challenge  but once you get into the rhythm it gets easier. I did Vegan for 3 months and I notice that i no longer had foggy brain, I was very alert. Another difference I notice was more stamina , I was able to run longer  and easier which helps when you have a 2 year old. At the moment I am trying to see what will work best for my body to help heal as well provide the proper nutrients it needs to better fight this cancer.
      I have been to a few different natural path doctors and have a better idea what my body is lacking.  
Now that we are better situated in our home I can better document this journey and see what GOD has in store for us.
    What diet has helped your body recover and feel better?
Please comment below and share what has worked for you, I would love to hear your story.

Thank you for being part of my Journey, God Bless. Yvette Norris