Monday, October 3, 2016

Detox is key

     Many people don't know the importance of detoxifying and I was one of them. As I got older I became more aware of proper nutrition. Thanks to my mother I love veggies and I love trying new things. Now just because you eat healthy doesn't mean you don't have to detox. I know that's a mistake that many do and I am guilty of that. Your suppose to detox at least twice a year.
    The reason you need to detox is to remove chemicals, harmful organism and toxic metals in your organs that we tend to absorb from our surroundings. You don't realize how toxic the environment around you is till you start to pay attention to it.  Everything is electronic and connected to Wifi now a days, think of all the electromagnetic waves passing through your body. The air you breath surrounded by exhaust fumes. The cleaning products you use for your home. The makeup and lotion we use in a daily basis, everything is toxic to our bodies. We owe it to ourselves to detox and cleanse.
    There are so many ways to detox. Best way to start is by doing a colon cleanse followed by a liver then kidney cleanse. Enemas is another way to cleanse specially if your taking more than one medication a day. The benefits of cleansing are beyond believe.
     If your going through chemo or taking more than one medication a day, it will help to get rid of the toxic from the medicines so its not over working your liver. I do mine once a day and I noticed the difference right away. Depending on your level of toxicity you might need to do more than one a day, all depends on your body.  Before I did enemas, I was feeling nauseous and drugged up because I  was not getting rid of the toxins fast enough.  I couldn't close my eyes because my world would be spinning,  my body was always aching . When you don't get rid of the toxins fast enough, they  will circulate through your body again and that was happening to me. My husband Mark ordered the stuff And said this will help me. Omg who wants to do enemas? Not me that was for sure , but feeling that way was frustrating and was ready to try it. Thank you God
     I use S.A Wilson coffee and you can order that online. I bought the enema bucket here Enemabucket. Buckets are better and easier to clean and disinfect than bags. Enemas are part of my routine to fight this cancer and keep it away for life.
     Remember to care for your body and it will heal itself the way got created it to do.

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